Saturday, May 20, 2006


I think I finally know what's fucked up with my computer

Not a very angsty post compared to the previous ones, but I figured I might as well make this my new blog. I used to have a blog on LiveJournal that I haven't updated since February 2005, and I had a DeadJournal that I only had a few posts there. I think I kind of miss writing, even though I never revealed anything to identify me -- No last name, no email address.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand. So simple. I should have known it before. Hard drive. Serves me right, too -- I bought it from someone who worked with me. I worked in a full service gas station. Anyone who's dishonest enough to push the ridiculously expensive engine oil and other junk is just as likely to fuck over a co-worker. In the case of this guy it's not just a figure of speech, either. He once had sex with a co-worker in a tiny storage area. During shift. In the morning.

I wish I didn't spend money on the damn CPU fan. I want to buy a whole new computer. A laptop would be great. Of course, I can't think of a reason for it except "I want a laptop, dammit". The way I see it, as long as I know that my inner 5 year old is guiding me, it's not so bad. I just hope the power supply isn't fucked up as well.

I need to replace my cell phone. Piece of Korean crap. I know I'm not being fair to the Koreans, but they sure do make some crappy things. My parents bought a Daewoo about 11 years ago, and it has only given us grief.

Now I'm being ridiculous. I should stop. Although, when I looked at my old LJ I saw that a lot of entries were written late at night, and included something along the lines of "I'm babbling / I'm not making sense, I should go to sleep". I never learn. I wish I wasn't quite so stupid.

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