Thursday, August 31, 2006


Holy Jesus Fucking Christ this guy scares me

I was going to have a completely different title, but I'll get to that in a moment. I was at a friend's house and walked home. I heard this raspy voice calling me "hey". I immediately knew who it was - the junkie (possible ex-junkie) that spent more time in lockup than at home. He's my childhood's boogieman. He would beat his wife repeatedly, and eventually she left him. I think it was after he held her over the porch railing and threatened to throw her off, but I'm not sure. Now he's in a wheel chair and barely talks, but he still scares me. I pretended not to hear him. It wasn't too difficult because I'm really tired and have a bit of a headache.

The title for this entry was supposed to be "My keychain is so much lighter now". I left the dorms for the third (and possibly final) time today. This time I went alone in a rental car, and boy was that hard work. I think I sweat 10 pounds off or something. Of course that was only part one; part two was bringing everything inside.

I thought that I should celebrate it somehow, but I only had half a bottle of vodka so vile that I didn't even bother taking it back. It's so horrible that I can't even take a whole shot of it and have to stop mid-way, something that never happens with any other vodka, even the crappy cheap ones. Plus, taking a shot of vodka on an empty stomach and then driving 80km back home isn't a really good idea. Hey, now I know what my friend and I will toast tomorrow. Tomorrow will also be exactly four years to my discharge from the military.

I recently read the top 100 quotes in, and I couldn't stop laughing. I'm going through the 101-200 best quotes (as voted by the people who visit the site), and they're also quite hilarious. After that I'll just browse randomly, although that has the dual disadvantages of really crappy quotes and repeat of quotes. At least it's better than work.

I think that's all I have to say at the moment.

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