Thursday, August 10, 2006


So this is how a hangover feels like

I went out drinking with my friend E. We took a bottle of vodka (Smirnoff, if you're wondering), two shot glasses, and some crackers (the food, not the white folks), and drove to the beach to get drunk and talk about shit. Between the two of us we finished almost half a bottle.

I never drank so much before, and I felt like it in the morning. I woke up at about 10:30 with a splitting headache and a dry mouth. I took something for the headache, drank some water and went back to sleep. I woke up two hours later feeling more refreshed than I have for a long time. I think this was just a mild hangover, but my only basis is American movies and shows where even mild sounds hurt someone with a hangover. I don't want to imagine a serious hangover. At least I did one of the things I wanted to do - get really drunk and have a hangover. Next on the list is getting so drunk that I lose control and/or can't remember the next day, but this'll have to wait a while.

E, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. He couldn't fall back asleep past 9:30, and his mother is driving him nuts. That's bad enough when you're 100%, and it's even worse when you've got a hangover.

I'll post some real things later. I've got a few things I want to write about.

UPDATE - When we were drunk I sent an SMS message to E's ex. At the time she didn't respond, which made E kinda mad. He wanted her to be jealous, in a "see how much fun I'M having and you're missing" kind of way. Well, I saw that she posted a new entry in her blog at about 1:30am. I don't remember exactly when I sent the message, but I think it was about that time. Anyway, Operation "Get Ex Mad" has been a successful one.

If you consider it a success... Too bad I don't feel the same way about it buddie, but once again I hope that you are right and I am wrong.
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